Oh What a Day – Monday 1st April 2019

Oh What a Day

Oh what a day it was yesterday. I have never had so much fun at a fun day EVER! And I really do mean that. You see, Mum didn’t spend all her time organising it so she was able to spend more time with me playing. She took me out for a game of ball before they had their meeting bit, so that I’d be quiet. I have to say it work well. Shadow was having a very barky day and spent almost the whole time shouting. She’s worn out now, so she’s quiet at last.

Friends and Family

Anyway, some of my friends and family were there and three of Shadow’s children. I have to remember to be good because they tend to be very pleased to see Mum and I sometimes get a little jealous. It’s hard to be jealous of Della because she’s just so lovely. Mum says her whole litter are all like that. Her brother Leo is one of my favourites, but sadly he wasn’t there. I am going to see Dixie soon though so that will be nice. Anyway, Della is a very beautiful girl too. Shadow’s really funny as she doesn’t take much notice of her children. Dickens was really pleased to see Mum too, but his brother Basil is a bit more headstrong and takes no notice.

Della from Torfheide


The best part from me was that I won my first ever prize. Up until now I’ve not done all that well in games but that’s been partly because I’ve had to work with someone other than Mum. That and the fact I just can’t catch. Anyway, we did a ‘longest stay’ competition. Our humans had to move away from us, walk around us, do star jumps, crouch down and jump up and we had to stay where we had been told to be. Now, if you lived with Mum you’d realise we go through life expecting the unexpected. That means we don’t move a muscle when she does odd things. I’m now the proud owner of a sort of skunk type soft toy that I’m going to take to bed every night with Heffalump. I guess he’s going to have to be called Skunk if I can’t think of anything better.


Shadow is going to be spending today resting as she rather overdid it yesterday. She says her arthritis is playing up but hopefully it will settle down soon. She forgets she’s ten when there’s fun to be had.



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