I love Friday Flashback – Friday 10th July 2020

Alfie as a puppy
Alfie as a puppy

I love Friday Flashback

Oh how I love Friday Flashback. I started with when Alfie was tiny, fourteen years ago in 2006. It was just before Mum and Dad got married. Alfie was staying with the dog sitter as he didn’t have his vaccinations to go to England at that point. It was when they were all living in Belgium. This is what he wrote

I miss you

“Dear mum” That’s what I call her at home. “It’s quite fun here, I get to play with a lot of other dogs and horses. When I say play with the horses that is in the sense of I try to get them to chase me and they snort at me in disgust, but I still get some fun out of it. I’m bigger than many of the other dogs. Sometimes I have to remember not to be too rough, but most of them are ok. No one rubs my tummy and ears the way you do though, and even if they try, they never do both at the same time. No one gives me my morning Frostie, lunchtime crisp and occasional (and by occasional I mean regular) bits of marzipan.

A photo of Alfie playing with Shadow when she was a puppy - one of the many reasons Wilma loves Friday Flashback

It really isn’t the same without you around. I’ve started to realise you are a big softy and I miss snuggling up to you. Marrying my master won’t make you less snugly will it? You will still spoil me rotten won’t you? I really hope you come home to me soon, I miss you. All my love Alfie”

I then moved forward to when Shadow was a young puppy in 2009. We always think she has been a relatively good dog and no one really mentions things like eating books, or in this case… digging!

A big hole

Things aren’t quite so happy here. Shadow has rediscovered her passion for digging and has done it in quite a big way. We now have whole craters in our garden. The house has a trail of mud going everywhere that Shadow went. She has said she’ll do all her own clearing up, but I think that was only said to get my Mistress to forgive her just a tiny bit. The fact that she has also dug up the grass that my Mistress has planted in pots to replace the patches that Shadow has ruined only added to the frustration.

I’m starting to think the real repairs can only really begin when we’re leaving or if Shadow goes on a very long holiday. I suppose we really need to take her to the beach and let her dig in the sand, I could build the sandcastles while she digs the moat.

I really liked this from 2015 too

The art of sleeping with a dog

Our Mistress deserves a special award for having mastered the art of sleeping curled up with not just one, but two dogs. I couldn’t bring you a photograph. It would have meant one of us moving and once we were in position that wasn’t going to happen without good reason.

Anyway, our Mistress has now fully perfected the right angles to make this work. She lies on her left side in a sort of reverse zed shape. I curl up in the crook of the top zed with my head under her chin and my legs curled up on her legs and Shadow snuggles into the lower part of the zed with her bottom nestled in behind our Mistress’s knees. Then we can all go back to sleep and stay perfectly in position for a good couple of hours. Occasionally it goes a bit wrong and our Mistress wakes up with no feeling in parts of her body, or my hair tickles her as I’m under the covers with her.

I had to bring you this last bit from Alfie’s 2015 entry as I’m really missing summer now and wondered if the person who found it then could have another look.

Lost summer

I’d also like to publicly thank whoever found summer and returned it at least for a while. I’m very pleased to see it and am just hoping it doesn’t wander off again anytime soon.

You see, that’s why I love Friday Flashback.

Have a great Friday



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