Not Real Snow – Sunday 3rd January 2021

Not Real Snow

I’m sorry, but this is not real snow. When I ordered snow it was supposed to be like the snow that Dad gets – white fluffy and lots of it. Not with lots of green grass still visible. When Mum said I would be happy when I looked outside, I thought she was serious. I got all excited and went rushing to the door. I stopped long enough to eat my breakfast first, it would have been rude not to. When Mum opened the door I went running out, ready to roll about and celebrate. This is what I got. I was hardly worth it. I just looked at Mum and said, ‘Where’s the rest of it?’

This is not real snow - Wilma is disappointed with the light sprinkling.


Even Shadow and Aristotle weren’t impressed and they were born here. It’s hard to count properly as a mountain dog when you’re born as close to sea level as those two are. Shadow grumpily said she could remember times when we did have more snow. She did the whole, ‘When I was a puppy…’ routine. Ari just yawned and went back to bed.

Mum said on balance it might be a good thing as all her snow clothes are in Switzerland, which wouldn’t be much use if it did snow heavily here.

The End of Christmas

Most of the decorations are down. Mum says the lights can stay up another day or two, unless their batteries fail first. The tree went out yesterday. We were all quite sad about that. We all have a bit of a soft spot for trees and even Mum likes having them indoors as well as out. I tried suggesting she could turn the lounge into a forest, but she thought that might be going too far. I shall just have to wait and look forward to next year. It’s either that or persuade Mum to start a new family tradition and bring a tree in at a different time of year too.



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