Pictures are up – Monday 7th October 2024

Pictures are up

At last the pictures are up around the house. You may wonder why that matters to a dog and I’ll be honest most of them don’t. What I’m happy about is that the pictures of Alfie, Shadow and Aristotle are all back on the walls. It does feel good to be able to see them again. I just wish they were here. The humans are excited about other pictures as well. Some of them I can understand as they were painted by people who were important to them or they were given to them for special reasons. Others, I can honestly say I’m clueless as to why they want them.

Bunting is down

We did get the bunting down from the outside bar. Mum says it needs to dry before we put it away as it was a bit damp. I supervised Mum doing some gardening as well and if things go to plan we’ll do some more today.

When it came to the pictures I didn’t bother supervising. There are some old pieces of carpet in places on the hall floor. I sat on each of them in turn. They all felt much the same as far as I could tell. It’s weird, replacing the carpet with tiles then putting lots of bits of the carpet on top of the tiles. I will never fully understand humans.

Seeing Cinders

I’ve got a fairly boring start to my week, but on Friday I’m meeting up with Cinders. I don’t know why it’s taken us so long. If we get our humans to drive us, we can meet in the middle and it’s only about an hour for each of us. Cinders’ human has found a really good halfway point to meet for a walk, so that is what we’re going to do. I haven’t seen her for so long.



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