Cloning – Wednesday 9th October 2024


What do you think of cloning? Mum was reading a website yesterday because she needed to know more about artificial insemination for dogs. There was a section on the site offering to keep a tissue sample so that you could, at some point in the future, clone your beloved companion. Mum said we could have another me and I really didn’t know what to think.

On the one paw, I can see why Mum might want a spare me on paw just in case. But on the other paw is the whole nature or nurture debate. Of course looking like my Mama Susi is a genetic thing. There are a whole load of things which may be genetic, not least of which is my heart murmur. But what makes me the dog I am today?

Life experiences

Life experiences are important for any dog. The way we are socialised as a puppy had a big impact. I never got over the high pitched noise of a hearing aid when I was going through one of my early fear stages, for example. On the other paw, Mum took me out and about loads so I’d get used to all sorts of different situations.

It would be really weird meeting another me who hadn’t sniffed the things I’ve sniffed or dreamed the dreams I’ve had. They wouldn’t have grown up with Alfie as their role model or Aristotle as their partner in crime. At the end of the day they just wouldn’t be me.

Thankfully when we came to talk about it, Mum felt much the same way so I don’t think there is any risk of her wanting to go down that route. She’s loved all of us for the dogs we are and when Pebbles comes to live her the same will be true for her too.



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