Sleepy day
Yesterday was a sleepy day – for everyone. Pebbles decided to take a day off from running round like a mad thing, which suited us all. Of course, we know that she’s likely to make up for it today, but for one glorious day we are had a quiet, restful time – or at least mostly.
It turns out that one of Mum’s favourite jumpers is also a perfect item to hang by the teeth from if you are a nine week old puppy. Fortunately it’s pretty old. Mum does have a newer version of it, but won’t be wearing it around Pebbles.
Mum said yesterday was a bit frustrating. She felt she was making good progress with Pebbles, then yesterday she had more accidents in her pen than she has been doing. Mum is going to see how she’s doing today and hopes we’ll be back on track.
Today will probably wear Pebbles out anyway. We’re running lots of errands. Firstly, and most importantly, Pebbles is going to the pet shop. Mum and Dad are collecting a new dog gate to go across the stairs from the kitchen to the garden room. Mum has decided that for the time being the kitchen is one of the safest places for Pebbles to be out and about. There are no cables or other challenges at floor level. However, it means separating it from other rooms.
I’m going as chaperone in the car, to help Pebbles settle. We’re going to do several outings so that Pebbles can come back to pee at home. The pet shop will be first, then Mum needs to go to the farm shop and finally we need to collect her jacket from the dry cleaners. I guess after all that Pebbles will be tired again. Now Mum just needs to work the timings around our meal times.
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