Crazy Girl – Tuesday 25th March 2025

Crazy girl

Pebbles is one crazy girl. She was keeping Mum on her toes yesterday. On her morning walk, Pebbles was on springs and grabbing her lead at every opportunity. She only got over excited and grabbed Mum once, but the bruise will last a few days.

Then there was their time at the dog field. We had the builders in doing some finishing off yesterday, so everything was a bit strange. When they were here before, Pebbles was much smaller and could safely sit in her pen. Now she just tries to jump out of that when she gets excited so she had to spend some time in her crate, when they were working in the room she’s normally in.

Letting off steam

Mum took her to the dog field straight after she’d had an hour in her crate. Pebbles wanted to let off steam and was running like a mad thing. Mum is trying to teach her recall, so went to the other side of the field. Pebbles didn’t come when called, obviously! However, when she was ready she ran at full speed across the field towards Mum. Mum stood there thinking Pebbles was bound to stop before she ran into Mum’s legs… bound to stop before… Ouch! Pebbles ran straight into Mum’s legs. Fortunately, Mum is only bruised but it wasn’t a good moment.

On the bright side

On the bright side, whilst her recall still needs A LOT of work, other areas of her training are going well and she’s developing a little routine of tricks. Mum says she learns faster than any of us used to. If only she could get the hang of coming when called – but maybe that will fall into place with her eventually. She has her puppy training class this morning so there’s plenty of time to practice.

Love and woofs


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