Not seeing Cinders – Friday 11th October 2024

Not seeing Cinders

I’m not seeing Cinders today after all. My meet up with her has had to be postponed. To say I’m disappointed is a very big understatement. You know what it’s like. You look forward to something all week and build it up in your mind. Then you think of all the things you want to say to the person you’re meeting, when you haven’t seen them for ages. Then you find yourself having to wait for another date to be arranged by your humans. Mum has promised it won’t be long, but it isn’t in my control which is frustrating. These things would be far better if they were left to the dogs to arrange.

The lemons have moved

The lemons have moved into the greenhouse. Mum is hoping they can stay in there for at least a few weeks. We’re going to open the door in a morning and check the overnight temperatures. I have to remind Mum to water them too, although our greenhouse still leaks as Mum didn’t get round to sorting that out.

It does rather feel like an admission that the best of the year is over by moving them, but we want them to do well. We’ve got them through two winters so far so we’re hoping that we might be getting the hang of it.

Filling the hole

Today the builders will be filling the hole outside our front door. It won’t mean we can go in and out that way yet, but at least it’s a step in the right direction. We can’t wait for it all to be finished, but I think I’ve said that before. Next week will be a whole year since the work started. At least we’re starting to get straight again. Little by little things seem to be improving.



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