Near miss
Well that was a near miss. The blinds that Mum got for the garden room don’t seem to be such a good idea. She got wooden ones as she thought they’d look nice. They did look nice. The problem is that they are really too heavy for the mechanism inside the blind or the brackets. Today Mum will be contacting the company they came from to explain that they really aren’t suitable. We know this for certain as yesterday when Mum raised one of the blinds for only about the sixth time, it came crashing down and just missed landing on her. As you can imagine, she’s not happy.
Dad and I haven’t been able to come up with any useful suggestions of what to do instead, so Mum is a little frustrated.
One week to go
It was so frustrating not being able to play with everyone when Mum’s family all visited yesterday. I could have rounded the two three year olds up so easily and had lots of fun doing it. Dad keeps saying Mum should let me have some freedom now, but she’s being very strict. After working so hard for the last seven weeks, she really doesn’t want to spoil it all now.
I may have to have a CT scan when I go. I know I’m not allowed any breakfast beforehand. It’s hard to think about much else at the moment.
One of my cousins brought us some beautiful sunflowers yesterday. They reminded me of all the ones Ari grew last year and are lovely. I did feel a little guilty for not planting any this year, but Mum said with all the building work it would have been difficult. I’ve promised to make up for it next year and plant loads. At least Ari would be proud of the vegetables I planted. The squash plants have gone crazy and are taking over everything else.
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