Hard work
This video preparation is hard work. So far, Mum and I have worked out what software we can use to edit my videos. We’ve also worked out how we can add the right audio. What we haven’t done is found out where we are going to find enough hours to do all that in. For now Mum said we should work on taking lots of video clips and making sure we know what we’ve got so we can put them together into some sort of order. She’s asked me to sit down and work out what I want to say on each of the videos, but that really is more her department. I’m sure she’s only given the job to me to keep me quiet.
Days out
Dad isn’t coming for the whole holiday we’re having, but he is coming for some of it. Mum asked what he wanted to do for the days he was there. One suggestion is to go for a boat trip on the lake near where we used to live. I’m not absolutely sure what I think of the idea. The biggest problem of being on a boat is that if I don’t like it, I can’t just get off. Mum said she thinks we should take things to keep me occupied and distract me while I’m there.
I’ve rung my sister Tosca and arranged to go to see her. I need to sort out seeing Valeria too and then my main choices will be in place. Obviously, we’ll be going to my mountain, but I take that as a given.
Mum wants to go on the train up the Rigi too. That’s another mountain with a good view. I guess some distraction might be needed for that as well.
Pieces of wood
I still have a piece of wood to put somewhere in the garden for stumpies. While we were outside yesterday I realised it can go in my play area. Even better, Mum found a pretend piece of wood lurking behind the green house and that can go there as well. I’m going to see if Mum will move them for me today.
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