Pebbles’ Big Day Out – Tuesday 14th January 2025

Pebbles’ Big Day Out

Yesterday was Pebbles first big day out. Mum and Dad needed to go to the dentist and still drive to their old one in York. That meant Pebbles and I had to go with them. Now I’m used to this sort of thing. It’s been part of my everyday life. Mum goes somewhere so I go too. It’s how it works around here. Pebbles is only just learning that.

Mum got up really early so that she could give Pebbles plenty of chance to eat her breakfast, have a play and go to the toilet, before we went in the car. We set off around 7.15am – exactly as planned.

Stops along the way

Mum decided that even though Pebbles can’t go out yet due to her vaccinations, we would try to find stops where she could take Pebbles out to the toilet and then back into the car. There wasn’t really a great deal of choice as none of us wanted Pebbles going to the toilet where she was – least of all me as I was with her in the back. We have separate crates, but still, there’s only so much I want to share.

Out first stop went well. Mum found a small amount of grass and Pebbles was happy to use it. Our second stop didn’t go to plan. Mum hadn’t reckoned on there being snow on the ground. Pebbles hasn’t met much snow and isn’t used to going to the toilet on it. She said she’d try to cross her legs. You can work the next bit out for yourselves as puppies aren’t that good at crossing their legs. Mum had taken spare bedding so at the next stop she did a change over and Pebbles was ok again.


It was also Pebbles first experience of lunch on the move. I’m used to that one too. She will get used to it, but it took some persuading her to eat. I didn’t mind too much as I finished off what she left.

On the way to York Pebbles cried quite a lot. In the car park at the dentist there were lots of cars and suddenly Pebbles changed her mind and decided that being inside our car was a lot better than being outside. She got back in very happily and decided to stop complaining.

Mum made sure to stop somewhere without snow on the way home and all went well. It was only mid afternoon by the time we got back, but we were all tired. Pebbles had a mad play, but then slept for ages.

Nice surprise

She did have a nice surprise to come home to. Her half-sister Bonnie has sent her a present of her old fleece jumper so that Pebbles can wear it when she’s standing about at her puppy training class. I have to say that I wondered if I might like one, but Mum pointed out that I have a dressing gown with my name on it and I shouldn’t be greedy. I guess so. There’s also a rather nice coat in the cupboard that Shadow was given when she was old and never had the opportunity to wear. I might see if that’s my size, although when it’s really cold I don’t bother going out if I can help it. Pebbles now has no excuse.

Love and woofs


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