Conjunctivitis – Saturday 22nd March 2025


Pebbles has a mild case of conjunctivitis. Fortunately, Mum spotted it pretty quickly. It meant she came to the vet at the same time as me yesterday. I had my injection and then Pebbles saw the vet. I wasn’t there for her appointment, but Mum said she was very good. She had to have dye put in her eyes to make sure she hadn’t damaged them and thankfully all was well. She will need a few days of anti-inflammatories and eye ointment. I said to Mum ‘Good luck with that one,’ but so far Pebbles is being quite a good patient and her eyes are already improving.

Getting heavier

Whilst Pebbles was there Mum got her to sit on the scales. At least now she will sit for long enough to get a proper reading. Yesterday she weighed in at 17.8kg. She’s still increasing on a steady path and is still projected to be a very large girl. Pebbles is slim and muscular, but big! We’ll have to see what happens as she gets older. Tomorrow she will be five months old, which is quite a scary thought.

At the dog field

Mum said that Pebbles was very funny at the dog field yesterday. Mum hadn’t really felt like going, but Pebbles really made her smile. She just threw herself into everything and was ridiculously happy. Mum is really hoping that she stays like that as she gets older. It’s like having the best of Shadow without the attitude! Mind you, I guess Pebbles has attitude all of her own. She’s quite determined, but she’s never deliberately nasty. Shadow mellowed with age, but when she felt the need to be top dog she didn’t find it easy and was sometimes harsh putting the boys in their places. She relaxed a bit when I took over as top dog. I don’t think Pebbles even thinks about things like being top – she’s just too busy enjoying herself.

Love and woofs


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