And it was – Monday 31st May 2021

And it was

And it was a repeat of Saturday’s lovely day. I could get seriously used to this sunny weather. Oh, the walk we went on. It was just lovely. We haven’t been to that walk for quite some time and we’d all forgotten just how lovely it was. You can see for miles across the fields – or at least you can if you’re tall enough. I had to stand around while Mum and Dad admired the view. I did enjoy seeing the sheep and cows though. That bit was really good. Dad was busy learning about plants again. He could ask me. I can sniff out quite a large range of things and tell him what’s been going on.

More time outside

Mum spent more time outside with us too. She’s doing all sorts of things that I don’t really understand to do with moving. It’s something to do with taking her vegetable troughs with me, but I left it to Aristotle to help with that one. I was more interested in what Dad was finding out about places we might be able to visit and have a walk after we move. I think it will be fun finding new places, but I’m still very happy with the old ones, so it will be strange.

Today is odd

Today is odd as Mum is planning to have a day off but Dad is working. On the bright side, there’s some cooking planned as well as more time outside and a walk. Not a bad day from a dog’s point of view. I know I need the exercise and I’m trying to lose weight, but all this walking is really making me sleep well. I think it’s doing Mum good too. I hope so, she’s rearranged her 2nd vaccination for next weekend as she wasn’t well enough when she was supposed to have it. Paws crossed for this time.



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