Checking for lumps
Today we want to remind all you dogs and your humans about checking for lumps. Obviously it’s a subject dear to both mine and Aristotle’s hearts at the moment, but we had an email from Shadow’s daughter, Della, yesterday and she has been going through a difficult time. Like humans, dogs can get cancerous lumps in their mammary glands and for Della the one she found turned out to be cancerous. When the vet investigated she had another cancerous lump she wasn’t aware of. We hope it’s looking like good news for Della as the vet can find no evidence of any cancer having spread to her lymph nodes. We have our paws crossed for you Della.
Lesson for us all
There really is a lesson for all of us. Check your whole body for lumps regularly. Ideally weekly as cancerous growths can grow quickly and the earlier they are caught the better. Some types of cancer are more common in dogs who haven’t been spayed, but there are plenty of other types that is not the case for. If you find a lump then get it checked by a vet. Of course many times there will be a perfectly innocent cause, but you won’t know that without getting it checked.
You probably won’t be feeling any pain or irritation from the lump initially, so it is very easy to think nothing of it. That’s why checking is important.
Remind your humans
Remind your humans that checks are important for them too because we all want our humans to live long and healthy lives and they want the same for us. This is an area where staying vigilant can help. If your human isn’t good at remembering, get them to write it on the calendar. If they don’t have a calendar then put a note on the fridge. Whatever it takes, just make sure you do it!