The votes are being counted – Thursday 17th August 2023

The votes are being counted

The votes are being counted and Mum won’t let me see the results. Oh how I wish you could all vote in our Entlebucher Club’s photo competition. If you could I’d stand a chance of my photo winning a category. As it is, I don’t think I stand any chance having seen all the other lovely photos. All the winners go to make up our Club calendar for the following year. I’ll try to remember to tell you when it goes on sale in case you’d like to buy one. We use it as a way to raise money for our rescue funds to help any dogs of our breed who find themselves in need.

Although there are some categories for serious photos, such as dogs and nature, I always seem to find ones to enter into comical dogs. I just like pulling funny faces from time to time.

Bulk buy vet appointments

I’m thinking of asking if we can bulk buy our vet appointments. Ideally two for the price of one would help, if we’d both go at the same time without causing trouble. As it is, Mum tends to take us separately as one of us isn’t so well behaved at the vet. It’s my turn to go today and Mum has asked if for once I’d mind not barking the place down as she finds it embarrassing. Don’t mind me, I’m just the one feeling stressed and worried. I’ve got another lump that needs looking at, but I’m hoping it’s nothing to worry about. I think Mum is just making a fuss, you know what she’s like.

Something to look forward to

At least I have something to look forward to later today. I’ve got my Corgi Zoom call this evening. I’m not sure who is the most excited, me or Dad. Wish me luck.



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