Never happy
It turns out we’re never happy. We complain when it rains too much, we complain when it doesn’t rain enough. We complain when it’s too cold and now we are complaining because we’re too hot. Finally, summer seems to have arrived. It might only last a day or two, but it really feels very warm after how cool the weather has been.
Mum has gone round setting all the wasp traps as it’s that time of year again. She has begged us to check every apple carefully before biting into it. It does rather terrify her that we eat so many apples, but then she is somewhat prone for seeing the potential for disaster.
Disappointing day
Today is a bit disappointing anyway. I was meeting a friend for a walk, but they had to cancel. To be fair they could have done later in the day but the weather forecast suggested it would be too hot for us to go for a long walk at lunchtime, so we’re waiting for a different day that we can both make. Mum has promised to do something with me instead, but we haven’t agreed on what exactly.
It all begins
It does rather feel as though it all begins this week. Our house renovations that is. Today we have a man coming to see Mum about fitting the office flooring and the flooring itself will arrive this week. On Wednesday we’re discussing all the work with the builder so we can work out when they will start and what order they will work on things. Mum has promised to finish the office first so that Ari and I can be in there with her while the other work takes place, but it’s going to be very strange having lots of people around on a daily basis. Ari and I aren’t really looking forward to it.
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