A very odd blue
Well it turns out that the office was going to be painted in a very odd blue. The tin of paint has been sitting in the shed for a while and the colours have separated out in a most peculiar way. Oh, Mum stirred the tin. Then she stirred the tin some more. The colour looked absolutely fine, until she rolled it on the wall. It was a sort of purply blue with red and navy spots. I said she could claim it was a special effect, but the reality was it just looked plain weird.
Instead Mum had to do an emergency trip to the DIY store to get a new tin of paint. She really wasn’t very happy at all.
Ari was cross
Ari was cross about the decorating as the time Mum wasted on that gave her less time to spend outside in the garden with him. I couldn’t really complain as I had my walk with both Mum and Dad so I wasn’t affected so much. I’d had such a nice time at the race course the day before that I asked to go back there yesterday and have even asked to go again today. Oh, I know there are other places, but I love seeing other dogs and saying hello to them as I go round.
The pond
Today Ari has to supervise some men coming to sort the pond out for him. Everything has grown far too much and Ari’s legs aren’t long enough to stand in the pond and sort it all out. Our pond is really healthy, so what’s there is all good stuff, it’s just there’s twice as much as there should be. We’re all hoping there will be enough room for the ducks to swim again once it’s finished.
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