We’re too hot – Monday 4th September 2023

We’re too hot

We’re too hot. What happened to normal temperatures? When it was the height of summer it was cold and now when things are supposed to be cooling down, suddenly it is really hot. Mum and I planned our little holiday to be at a time I’d be all right going for lots of lovely walks and now it’s looking as though we’re going to have to get up really early every morning if we’re to do the fun things we had planned.

Ari doesn’t cope with the heat at the best of times. Dad is adding ice to our water so it’s nice and chilled, which is very thoughtful of him.

Finding the cool spot

I spent some time finding the cool spot to lie in. There are one or two I like where I can get a bit of a breeze and I’m out of the sun. Ari is so desperate to be wherever Mum is that he doesn’t always think straight. To stop him getting too hot, in the end she had to bring him inside so he didn’t spend too long in the sun. He had to get Mum to help him water all the vegetables which they haven’t needed to do for ages.

Exciting day

Today is an exciting day as it’s the first stage of the office floor being sorted out. A man is coming to make the floor level today. Then what he uses will need to dry before he can fit the floor. Mum has been a real spoilsport and said we can’t leave any pawprints in the stuff he’s using. I had said to Ari we should make our mark for future generations to find.

I can’t wait for Wednesday to see what our new floor looks like. We won’t be able to get straight immediately as Mum has to fit the skirting boards first. That really is a job she’d be better to get someone else to do, but there’s no telling her.



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