I need overtime
I need overtime for all the therapy work I’m having to do. If I thought Monday was bad, yesterday was so much worse. Some of the work had been done wrong and now needs redoing. Mum was so upset that there was only one thing for it. “Get your coat,” I said – I know how cold humans can get. “Now come for a walk and tell me all about it.”
We had intended to go out later on, but Mum didn’t argue with me. It was sunny and bright and walking around the racecourse explaining the problem to me definitely helped mum to calm down. It didn’t actually fix the problem, but hopefully that will follow later this week.
Day out
Today we all have a day out, although dragging Mum away from the house is hard. She’s worried about what will happen while we’re not there. We’re just glad to get away for a few hours. Ari says he doesn’t even mind that he’s got to sit in the car for quite a lot of it, so it must be bad. Whilst we’re out there are steel beams being lifted over the house. Mum is just hoping there is no possibility of them being dropped in the wrong places as that could be awkward.
I was hoping to go to visit my family in Switzerland soon, but Mum said for the time being I have to be patient. Instead I am having just a few days in Suffolk. I don’t know anything about Suffolk. Is it similar to Switzerland? Will there be mountains and snow and clear blue skies? My expectations are high. Mum has told me there are other things and I need to think about it differently. Just how differently she isn’t prepared to say.
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