Very Long Day – Thursday 30th November 2023

Very Long day

Yesterday was a very long day. Ari and I were very good all day, but oh boy is it tiring being good? The big crane arrived at home before eight in the morning, so Mum put us in the car ready to go. By the time it started to put its legs down for stability, Mum realised she wasn’t going to get out of the front door if she didn’t do it then, so we set off. I sat on the back seat so Ari could have the whole crate to himself. I have a seatbelt so it was all very safe. We listened to an audiobook which helped pass the time and to drown out Ari’s snoring.

We’re trained in the travel drill. Service station pee break – out of the car, go to the toilet, back in the car. We’re absolute pros at it.

Rawcliffe Country Park

Near the dentist by one of the York Park and Ride car parks is Rawcliffe Country Park. Mum takes us there as a convenient stop. It works well for feeding us, a toilet for Mum and a walk for us. The walk couldn’t go where we had intended as there seems to be some sort of building work going on. Mum groaned. Our day out was partly to get away from building work. We had a lovely walk anyway and then Mum went to the dentist as planned.

I know it’s strange that she still goes all that way to the dentist, but she’s not the best patient and likes the dentist she’s got up there.

By the time we got home Dad was back, which meant I got very excited. We had a good sniff around to find out what the builders had been doing and then all went to sleep. Today we can see what actually happened while we weren’t here and sleep off our travels.



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