What a run – Saturday 13th January 2024

What a run

Oh what a run I had yesterday. I met a new friend, a Spaniel called Holly. Her mum is a friend of my mum and they introduced us to see how we got on. I took them all to Warwick racecourse. I thought if we went somewhere I know and love then I’d be most relaxed. Ok, so I barked all the way from the car to the point we crossed over the course to the inner area, but after that I just let my fur down and had fun.

Holly doesn’t like sharing sticks. She got a bit annoyed with me when I wanted to hold a stick with her, but I just shrugged and moved away. It is a long time since I have run so much and still felt ok at the end of it. My ear was still hurting, but I tried to forget that and just have fun. The good thing is that as we got on so well our mums are going to arrange for us to meet up again sometime and I can’t wait.

My ear

Mum can’t decide if I need to go back to the vet for my ear. It is still bothering me, but I’m not shaking it quite as much as I was. She rang the vet yesterday and they decided that we’d look again this morning. I just don’t know what to tell Mum. Obviously neither of us want me to be sedated for no good reason, but neither do we want a problem to be left too long before getting it sorted. I’m not having my breakfast until Mum makes a decision. I just hope we can work out what to do quickly as I’m always grumpy without my breakfast.

Besides which, I don’t really want to spend Saturday at the vet either. I was looking forward to getting some of the neglected jobs done in the garden.



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