No photographs – Friday 19th January 2024

No photographs

There are no photographs of the new bird boxes. Mum did put them up, as I pointed from indoors where I wanted them. However, she was in such a hurry to come back into the warm that she forgot to take photos for you. She was a bit fed up at one point as she dropped one of the screws she’s taken outside and it fell down a crack in some paving. She had to come back inside to sort out another screw.

Anyway, with the two new nest boxes that brings our total up to four nest boxes and three roosting pods. Mum said that the robin was watching very carefully where the roosting pods were going so that it could find shelter. I wonder if he used one of them last night. Mum has put them up facing in different directions so that the robin can always find shelter from the wind.

Bad news on the building front

The bad news for me on the building front is that because it was too cold for them to work during the week, the men want to come to do the roof on Saturday. I like having time without them around at a weekend, but Mum said they really need to be able to catch up. Apparently it wasn’t safe for them to work with the temperatures below zero, which now I come to think of it does make sense.

Back to bed

Right I’m going back to bed for a while. I’ve checked the forecast and it will be above freezing after 11am, so I’m saving myself until then. Hopefully Mum will be ready to take me out just as soon as the workmen have gone and we can enjoy some sunshine together. I think I’d like to go to the woods today, but Mum might have a view on that one.



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