More playful
Losing weight has left me feeling much more playful. Please don’t tell Mum she was right about that, as she will be way too smug. It’s strange finding myself asking if we can go out for a game of ball or chase. Mum’s not so good at chase I have to say. I really need another dog for that one. She’s a pretty good partner for ball throwing.
She couldn’t find the tennis ball when we went out yesterday. To be more accurate, she was too lazy to open the shed or get one out of the car. Instead we used a plastic ball that has been sitting in our garden since before we moved in. The odd thing was that I preferred it. Who knew? It’s a bit bigger than a tennis ball, and until I bit my tongue and made it bleed, it was much more comfortable to pick up than a tennis ball.
My diet
Mum and I have been discussing the improvement in my weight loss. We have come to the realisation that Aristotle’s food that I’m finishing off was lower in protein than mine. Mum mixed his foot and mine in about a half and half mix and it really is leaving me quite hungry at times. I’ve asked when she mixes some more if perhaps we could look at about 60% of my usual diet food and only about 40% of Ari’s. I think that will still be enough to keep my weight loss going, but a little slower than it has been. If I keep running around chasing balls I’m going to burn more off anyway.
We still have a whole big bag of Aristotle’s food to use, so it’s going to take me a while to get through it all. By then I should be down to a nice low weight that I will just have to maintain. Paws crossed.
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