Fresh Air – Monday 5th February 2024

Fresh air

Yesterday seemed to involve an awful lot of fresh air. We were outside gardening for far longer than seemed sensible. It really is very warm for the time of year, but it was windy. Apart from filling in gaps where wild animals have been coming under the fence, Mum wasn’t happy to have to clear up after the fox where it had pooed on top of one of the solar lamps. I really don’t know what point it was trying to make, but it did some a very odd thing to do and it must have been quite tall to squat and still be higher than the lamp. It’s a pretend rock with a light in it. Perhaps the fox didn’t like the light being on at night and was making a point.

Having a good run

I had a good run yesterday but not after a ball. My knee is holding up well, but Mum says that she really doesn’t want me doing the action of lunging for a ball, which puts much more pressure on the knee joint. I’m ok with that as long as I can have a good run. The ball would just be a bonus. I do find after all that time outdoors I sleep remarkably well. However I also find I want to eat more, which is harder to deal with.

Plan for the week

I don’t really know what the plan for the week is. Most importantly is trying to get our internet fixed when the engineer comes tomorrow. That will make life a lot easier. I know Dad has to go away for some of the week, so it’s just Mum and me – and all the builders. Hopefully it won’t be too bad. The way it’s going we’re going to have to start cutting the grass again, but I think Mum is hoping to build a new compost bin first.



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