Happy Mother’s Day – Sunday 10th March 2024

Happy Mother’s Day

Happy mother’s day to all the dog mums (canine and human) out there. I’m spending the day with my human mum and I shall make a fuss of her. My human granny will be here too and my aunt. Mum is cooking a special lunch and has said there will be a little bit for me as I’ve been such a good girl recently. I didn’t tell her about the things I found to eat in the garden yesterday. It seemed best to keep those to myself.


Dad went to meet some Corgis when he was at Discover Dogs at Crufts yesterday. He didn’t need to tell me he had done as it was all he smelled of. Mind you, he did talk about them an awful lot too, so it sort of gave the game away. He’d been asking lots of questions about what they are like to live with and understanding whether one would really fit into our household. There is a while to go before they join us so no decision has yet been made. I’ve told him to wait until he meets my friend Cookie before he makes his decision as that might change his mind on the type of Corgi he wants. I can’t wait to see her in May when I go to the Netherlands again.

Downside of visitors

The downside of us having visitors today is that Mum has had to do some cleaning. It isn’t that I really mind that, but the vacuum cleaner has developed a high pitched squeak that I really don’t like. Mum can’t find the cause, but she has at least tried. It means wherever she cleans I have to run for cover in a room as far away as possible. Maybe oiling it would help, but we don’t know where to put the oil to stop it.



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