Fun but strange
Yesterday’s walk was fun but strange. Mum put me in the car in the morning but then went back inside. It was Dad who got into the driver’s seat and set off in the car with me. As we turned out of the drive I expected to see Mum coming running after us, but there was no sign of her. “Dad,” I said, “haven’t you forgotten something?” Or more to the point ‘someone’. We never go out without Mum. Well, obviously Dad does sometimes, but I don’t. When he told me Mum wasn’t coming I just didn’t know what to say. What kind of day was I going to have without her? More to the point, how on earth was she going to survive a day without me?
Tittesworth Reservoir
Anyway, Mum wasn’t well and Dad didn’t want me to miss out, so he was taking me instead. I was torn. I really appreciated that we were still going, but I’d never choose to go out without Mum. That’s why they didn’t tell me until I was in the car.
My friends Izzy, Salvo and Albert were there and Bella who’s just a puppy still and I didn’t know before. We all got on wonderfully and had a lovely long walk. It was on lead all the way because of sheep and wildlife, so I didn’t feel like the odd one out which was good. I did keep wondering if Mum was ok and what she was doing, but the funny thing was she had been thinking the same about me.
Lunch with Salvo and Izzy
After the walk I went home for lunch with Salvo and Izzy so we could have a proper catch up. Dad wanted to talk about cameras with their Dad, so we pups settled down to have a nap.
By the time Dad and I got home I was exhausted. As soon as I’d checked Mum was fine and had survived the day without my help, I took myself off to bed. I’ll probably nap for much of today too.
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