So much for plans – Tuesday 9th April 2024

So much for plans

So much for plans for me to try a different place for my treatment. Mum and I had done all our research and decided that the one being recommended was a good idea. Mum had found the web page and I was sitting with her ready to ring when they opened yesterday morning. There was just one small problem. They didn’t open. The telephone number was unobtainable. So we sat at the computer doing some more research and found out that the lady who ran it retired at the end of last year and the business closed.

I felt a little deflated after all that. I do have a booking through the vet practice where I had my consultation last week, but they didn’t seem as focussed on the laser treatment end of things as we’d like. Mum says we will go on Monday and then decide if we have to travel further afield.

Next Group walk

I asked Mum if we could go on the next Club group walk in May, but it’s quite a long way from us. Mum says I’ll have to wait to see, but I might have to organise one nearer home. Quite apart from that I don’t know where I’ll be with treatment by then, so it might not have worked. Our Club is organising lots more activities which is great for us dogs. It’s so much fun to be able to get together with family and friends on a regular basis.

I put my paws up yesterday after my long walk of Sunday, but I’m hoping to be a bit more active again today. I need to see if Mum is better yet first. She’s been full of cold and hasn’t even wanted to go out and do the gardening. Mind you, I think it’s forecast to rain again today and that really isn’t good news.



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