Paws up weekend – Saturday 27th April 2024

Paws up weekend

This is going to be a paws up weekend. I just want some time to relax before going for my scan on Monday. Mum says I can help with the gardening if I want to, but not if I don’t. I’ll see what the weather’s like. I might just choose a vantage point where I can keep an eye on her from.

Yesterday I went for my laser therapy as planned. That was my fifth session. I’ve got the hang of it now and quite enjoy sitting snuggling up to mum while the laser probe goes up and down my back. The lovely physio said I should stop my exercises until after my scan, in case there is any risk of them making things worse. I won’t miss the exercises themselves, but I will miss the treats I got for each one.


We have a funny situation with the pigeons. In our new garden bar, there is a heater in the roof. It hangs down in the middle. Anyway, that is where the pigeons have built their nest. Mrs pigeon is currently sitting on her eggs in the nest. Dad was all for removing the nest, but Mum said as they’ve already got eggs we should try to leave them for the time being. We will have to remove every last twig before anyone tries turning the heater on. It would be real shame to set fire to the whole structure the first time we use it. I don’t think Mum would be best pleased with the pigeons if that happened.

Meanwhile the frog spawn, or mor likely newts, are growing in the pond. They aren’t at the point of wanting to walk out onto the land yet. I suspect that’s a few weeks away. There are enough of them to take over the running of the country when they do.



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