An apple a day
An apple a day keeps the vet away – I think that’s the old adage. I’m going with the an apple after every meal again just to be on the safe side. Mum asked Dad to rake up all the apples to try to limit my intake. She sat me down and discussed how hard I found losing weight and how long it took for me to shed those extra kilos. Then she went on to say that she didn’t think I’d want to go through all that again and I should seriously think about not eating the apples. Mum rather spoilt the message by then tucking into a chocolate caramel brownie. I just gave her a withering look and wondered how long she was going to take to spot the parallels. Maybe she should lead by example.
Funny Day
It was a bit of a funny day yesterday. We started with me cuddled up to Mum in the garden room, while she ate her breakfast. It was a nice quiet calm start to Saturday. We’d got the doors open to the garden and all was right with the world. Then there was a loud bang from outside, the power went off causing our doorbell to ring and the house alarm to start beeping. For good measure I started barking and Mum stopped feeling quite so calm and relaxed. Whatever had gone wrong, it wasn’t just our house, but thankfully it wasn’t off for long. It took Mum longer to recover than the electricity.
The great outdoors
On the bright side, we did spend lots of time outdoors. We had a lovely walk but apart from that we gardened and mooched around. Mum wanted me to keep moving most of the day so that I was using my legs and I did my best. I was glad to have a sit down later, but only after a nice walk.
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