Oh the excitement
Oh the excitement Mum experienced yesterday. This is a real example of how humans and dogs are very different. All I could do was munch my apple and be amazed at the things which make her happy.
Mum and Dad treated themselves to an old-fashioned style juke box. They can load their cds into it and then press the buttons to their hearts content. Both of them spent a very long time deciding which of their cds were going to be included and carefully made a list. Then they had to find the relevant cds. Most were in their right boxes and were easy to find. One of Dad’s choices was not in the right box, another cd was which rather confused things. One of Mum’s choices was missing completely.
We haven’t found Dad’s missing choice yet, but yesterday Mum’s choice came to light. You should have heard her. I kid you not. Anyway, when she came to move her old cd player, there it was still inside. I guess at least that does show it’s one she plays.
On the same theme, I’m a bit fed up with the state of the office floor. This is my space and I really want plenty of opportunity to stretch out, and weave my way under the desk when I choose. Unfortunately, because we are getting the next rooms ready for the building work – and the last ones are not finished, quite a lot of stuff has had to move into the office. How am I supposed to make myself comfortable when there is a pile of boxes in the way? Mum has promised that all this is only temporary. I think she may have been reassuring herself as much as me. In theory by the time we’re back from visiting my mountain all this will be finished – and we’ll be on to the final stages.
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