Change of plan – Friday 15th November 2024

Change of plan

We have a very slight change of plan on Pebbles’ official name. Mum woke up yesterday morning and said she’d got some ideas. The day before we hadn’t been able to come up with any nice girls names of four letters or fewer which began with B. Yesterday Mum said I could choose between Bibi, Bett, Beth, Bell, Beau, Bex or Bess. I think she came up with some others too, but I stopped at Bess. ‘That one,’ I said. Thankfully both Mum and Dad agreed so she’s going to be called ‘Bess Pebbles’.


As a dog I can get very excited about Dad coming home when he’s been away. Normally, I wait until I hear him arriving at home. Now I can start my excitement much sooner. Mum has found a page on the internet for me where I can watch a little plane taking off from the airport he starts at and move across the map until it lands near where we live. You can’t believe how excited that means I can get by the time he actually arrives. Mum says she’ll have to record me welcoming Dad home again as I make such strange noises. It would be better still if he’d stop going away.


Mum and I have got the hedging back on track. With it being dry, I’ve encouraged Mum to spend as much time outside as possible. I shout encouragement as she works her way along the hedge. I’ve worked out a plan for her of what she needs to do each day to get it all finished before Pebbles arrives. I think she can do it with a bit of encouragement. She’s taking a weekend off, but I’ve told her I expect her to complete the side fence work on Monday.



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