Surprising Good Behaviour – Wednesday 13th March 2025

Surprising good behaviour

Given how naughty she was on Monday, Pebbles came out with surprising good behaviour in her puppy class yesterday. When Mum went in the morning, to say she was apprehensive would be an understatement. To my surprise they were both smiling when they came home. For the first half an hour of the class, Pebbles concentrated quite well and was actually managing some loose lead walking, for the first time. She even managed to weave around the group of dogs without totally getting carried away and sat nicely in front of Mum waiting for her turn.


I think Mum wanted to gloss over the recall exercises when she told me about it. Pebbles tied the trainer in a complete knot with her lead to begin with. The poor lady was only trying to hold her so Mum could call her from across the field. Then they tried with her off lead. The poor man sitting the other side of the field watching got quite a surprise when 16kg of puppy barrelled straight into his lap. Fortunately he was very used to dogs, so found it funny. Mum, on the other paw, was less amused.


The last couple of exercises Pebbles loved. They had a find it exercise and apart from trying to run off with the cone covering the treats, she did quite well. Then they did an exercise which was new to Mum. It went with the command ‘middle’ and involved Pebbles going around behind Mum and then sitting in between her legs. Pebbles loved it. Somehow it was as though it was made for her and she was more than willing to do it over and over to prove it wasn’t a fluke. She’s even done it at home to show me.

Not such a good day

I didn’t have such a good day. I had an upset stomach and plastered diarrhoea liberally around the hall. Mum was grateful that I’d chosen a tiled floor, but it still took some clearing up. I think it was something I’d eaten – as it usually is. I need to prove to Mum that I’m ok again before I’m allowed my painkillers. It’s very frustrating.

Love and woofs


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