Love letter – Thursday 8th February 2024

Love letter

Mum has to write a love letter to a household item. It’s a challenge for a writing group she is in. It made me stop and think about which item, as a dog, I would want to write to. I gave it a lot of thought and decided my bed was probably rather too obvious, so I settled for my bowl.

My bowl is very special in many ways. For one thing, I get excited to see it every time Mum puts it on the floor. But it was also Alfie’s bowl and I know how privileged I am to be allowed to use it. Whenever I look at the bowl, once I’ve checked I haven’t missed any food, I give a thought to Alfie and how good to me he was when I was young. I hope we may have many more happy years together, the bowl and me. Hopefully, it will never get broken.

Valentine’s Day

With Valentine’s Day less than a week away I did ask Mum if we could time our walk next Wednesday for the usual time that the sheepdog I like has his walk. Do you think it would be too forward of me to make a card for him and take it in the hope of seeing him? Mum says that dogs don’t do that sort of thing, but I really don’t see why not. We have feelings just as much as humans do. It’s just that normally we show them in a slightly different way. If I got a card and slept with it in my bed it would smell of me and then I could give it to him so he thought of me when he sniffed it.

It’s pancake day the day before Valentine’s day and I’m all in favour of that too, but for very different reasons.



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