More freedom
Mum says that because I seem to be doing so well I can have more freedom. I cannot tell you how good that feels. I’m not yet being allowed to run around with other dogs when I’m out, but I am going into the garden off lead. You wouldn’t believe how much Aristotle and I are arguing at the moment. It’s funny how being kept apart for a couple of weeks makes it so difficult to find our feet with each other again.
Anyway, I also put my harness on again for the first time yesterday. It is so much more comfortable than having the lead clipped to my collar. I was much happier trotting along on my walk with Mum. We even did a full circuit of the racecourse. As long as I don’t feel any after effects we might go a little further tomorrow. Mum says she needs to go into Stratford, so we might do one of the walks we like there.
Making plans
I’ve been helping Mum planning our next trip to Switzerland in the summer. It’s so complicated. She asked if I’d rather stay in a hotel or self-catering again. I know which I prefer, but there isn’t just me to consider and I don’t want to say the wrong thing. When Mum was explaining, her biggest worry is the times we’d have to check-in. When we’re travelling a long way it’s not so easy to be precise on times. The hotels we use have a reception open most of the time, but the self-catering places don’t. I’ve told Mum it’s up to her, but I’m crossing my paws she chooses the self-catering options. It’s just so much easier when I don’t have to be worried that someone will suddenly open a door in a corridor and make me jump.