Have you got your coat? – Saturday 18th February 2023

Have you got your coat?

‘Have you got your coat?’ I ask Aristotle as I try to get him ready for a day out. It’s fair to say that Ari is not used to going out for the day. It’s a bit like trying to get a small child off to school. Up until we lost his Mum, he would usually stay to keep her company if I went out with Mum, but now there is nothing to stop him joining in the fun… except himself! He’s such a creature of habit. He’s more concerned about whether he will be back in time for his nap rather than excited about going out.

We are off to see one of Mum’s surrogate grandchildren. He’s really a great-nephew, but with Mum not having any children of her own, she wants to be an extra grandparent. I think that makes me his aunt. I’m more than happy to fulfil that role.

Back to the woods

Oh it was blissful yesterday. We went back to my favourite local woods. I haven’t been since before my operation and with it being a windy day Mum said it would be more sheltered. I did wonder if she was being entirely wise as some of the trees do look as though they may not have much longer to stand, but we kept an eye open and were ready to run if needs be. To be fair, I’m always ready to run, but Mum… not so much.

Mum has warned me that if it turns out to be a wood with bluebells in then there will be a period when we can’t go. Mum’s allergic to bluebells which is a real shame as I love having my photo taken with their bright colours. She can just about manage in a mask and these days she’s always got one of those with her, so we might be ok.

