It never rains it pours – Saturday 1st April 2023

It never rains it pours

It never rains it pours and I’m not talking about the weather. Obviously, I could be talking about the weather and Aristotle is getting pretty fed up about the state of the garden as a result of the weather. The real problem is that he is now in the wars as well as me. I have to admit to feeling pretty sorry for myself at the moment. I’m really struggling with the whole cone thing again and my eye doesn’t feel great. My leg is still a bit sore, but that’s not my main concern.

Then there’s Aristotle

We’re more worried about Aristotle at the moment. When he had the lump on his leg checked the results were inconclusive. Because of his age and his heart condition the vet thought it best not to operate unless absolutely necessary. Mum was tasked with measuring the lump weekly. She measured it the week before we went away and had a suspicion it was very slightly bigger, but not obvious enough for her measuring to be certain.

With us going away it’s been two weeks since she measured it and the lump has increased in size by 50%. He also has a lump on his nose that Mum though was a wart and which has suddenly increased at the same time. He’s booked in to see the same vet he saw before but has to wait until Tuesday. Ari says he doesn’t want to talk about it and is trying not to think about it, but Mum and I are definitely worried about him.

On a brighter note

On a brighter note, Mum says the weather forecast is much better from today and for next week and we can spend much more time in the garden again. That is something we are all in favour of. I shall just potter and let Aristotle work with Mum on all his plans. I’ll be available in a supervisory capacity or if they need me.

