Older Dog – Friday 31st March 2023

Older Dog

Who did the vet think she was calling an ‘older dog’? I looked around, presuming there must have been another dog come into the consulting room while I wasn’t looking. Me? What? How can I have become an ‘older dog’? It really didn’t feel a good day after that.

Apparently, the ulcer on my eye is not healing quite as well as it needs to. We’re doing everything right, but still because this happens in some ‘older dogs’ the edges of the ulcer aren’t healing. That is not what a girl wants to hear.

Cone of shame

I’m back wearing a cone of shame so that there is no risk of me rubbing my eye. Mum still has to put both lots of eye drops into my eye twice a day and I go back to the vet again on Monday. Here’s where it gets worse! On Monday I can’t have any breakfast. If it still isn’t healing then I have to have a minor procedure to clean up the surface of the eye and promote healing. On the bright side, the vet said I was so good that she hopes they could do it under a local anaesthetic.

Not just that

I’ve added sore patches on my leg to the list for good measure. I asked the vet about a couple of places on my leg where I had my operation. They are sore and a little raw. She said that can be from the internal stitches causing some irritation and I’m to monitor them and see how they are by next week too. I guess with all the exercise I’ve been having it’s not so much of a surprise. I guess it’s all part of being an older dog and I may as well get used to it.



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