My dog show career setback
I want to tell you about my dog show career setback. If I’m being honest, it’s a whole series of setbacks and not many steps forward. It was my very first show, all those years ago that the judge told Mum I had an undershot jaw. That was a shock to us both, but we’ve moved beyond that. It is not very bad and I’ve still got Crufts rosettes that say I’m not such a bad looking old thing.
Our other problem has always been that Mum has two left feet. However beautifully I might run, especially when I’m not overweight, Mum has a tendency to trip over herself and not show me to my best. Oh, there was the time that the judge didn’t seem to like me or Mum too – that wasn’t a good day.
My return to the ring
As a result of all the above, Mum hasn’t pushed me into showing the last few years. Especially with covid, it has not seemed worth all the risks. However, a few months ago we talked about it and decided we’d have one final go to qualify for Crufts for next year.
It’s not always easy to take a day out to go to a dog show, but Mum found one that was near enough that she could nip home to Ari if needs be. She duly entered me into The City of Birmingham show. Then she checked the dates and made sure Dad was at home. She put it in the diary and paid for our entry.
Another dog show career setback
Mum bought the catalogue for Day 3 of the show. She was quite convinced that Day 3 was for working dogs like me. Sadly, unless I now disguise myself as a terrier there is little point in me going on day 3. My group ‘Working dogs’ is on day 1. We could of course go on day 1 and just not have a catalogue – except Mum isn’t free all that day, so unless the appointment she has is cancelled, I’m stuck. So yet again I have a dog show career setback.
Back to the drawing board
Mum has gone back to the drawing board and there is one more show we could try, but that’s not until December. At least by then the weather will be cool enough for Ari to come with us and wait in the car if necessary. It’s further away, so coming home to him wouldn’t be an option. She isn’t entering it for me yet and she’s promised to double check everything before she does.
At this rate my comeback is just not going to happen.
Love Wilma
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