Dora (Torfheide Avril)
It is with great sadness that I have to tell you that Aristotle’s sister Dora crossed the rainbow bridge last week. Aristotle said that Dora of all his siblings was the most like their Mum. She could do that same scary look that kept you in your place, but bestow such love that you could never mind. She was tough and feisty and quite lovely.
I never had the opportunity to meet her, but even I can see from the photos how much like her mother she looked. Ari asked me especially to send all his love to her humans and to thank them for the wonderful home they gave to his sister.
Dora’s kennel name of Avril was after a dear friend of ours, who helped Mum with all the litters so was there for Dora’s birth. Their brother Amigo lives with the human Avril now.
Aristotle is down
Poor Aristotle it really isn’t his week. He’s still in so much discomfort that he even asked Mum if she thought he should be going back to the vet sooner than Friday. Mum says she thinks we should try to wait and see if his antibiotics work, but if he thinks he’s getting worse again he should say so. He said he wasn’t really sure.
Having on top of all his problems heard about losing his sister, he has taken himself off to bed for some quiet time on his own. I think he’s feeling all too mortal at the moment.
Zoom call with a Corgi
Now I know I only just told you that I think I’d like a Corgi, but the funniest thing happened. We had an email from a Corgi who would like an Entlebucher to join her family and wants to know more about us. Well, I jumped at the chance and I’ve asked Dad to set up a Zoom call so I can tell her more about our breed. I’m going to be asking lots of questions this time too. It’s so exciting. Mum is still saying we can’t have one, but I’m working on her.
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