Bungee Dad
It feels as though we have a bungee Dad. He bounces in, we have a great time having him around and then he bounces out again. It’s better than when he was away lots of the time, but I miss him dreadfully when he goes away. Ari is not so bothered. He is totally devoted to Mum and no one else gets much of a look in. I’m much more even with my affections. Dad did remember to come and say goodbye to me before going away this time. That definitely helps as it saves me wandering around the house looking for him. He has promised that he’ll be home on Thursday, so I might just sit by the front door for a bit and wait for him.
The paint is out
Things are hotting up in the office. I can confirm the tins of paint are out and ready. I could end up any of a number of colours before we’ve finished. Mum says she’s doing a layer of white undercoat first. We’re helpful there, we can use the tip of our tail as a brush and no one would know we had white paint on it as it’s that colour anyway. That gets harder with the blue paint. There aren’t many dogs which come in this particular shade of blue and we certainly don’t. Mum says it washes off, but I can assure you it takes a while out of fur. Mum never seems to want to use black paint anywhere. We could hide that better.
Date with a Corgi
I think my date with a Corgi is back on for the end of this week. I don’t want to get too excited in case it’s postponed again. I’ve promised that I’ll be good and not try to shout my questions out when it’s not my turn to speak, but I may get a little bit excited and forget myself when the time comes.
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