Deep Breath – Monday 6th November 2023

Deep breath

I’m taking a deep breath and preparing for another week of building work. I don’t think we’re quite at the end of the knocking down phase, but there will be some building starting too. I never know what to expect when I go out into the garden. The worst part for us is that our route to the garden is due to change this week. We won’t be able to use the back door anymore. I think from Tomorrow we have to go out of the front door and all the way around the house to get to the back garden. It’s a good job Mum has got a good torch or I think we’d be tripping over all sorts of things on the way round.

Second attempt

Hopefully at a second attempt, Ari will be going to his new hydrotherapy today for the first time. Mum has been so careful not to let him eat anything he shouldn’t have. He is totally fed up with how careful she’s being, but it’s for his own good. She’s promised that if he’s good he can have some free time later where of course there will be a risk he eats whatever apples he can find, however rotten they may be.

Always something

There is always something needing doing in the garden. Mum, Dad and Ari were trying to finish the hedges yesterday and found that there is a fence with rotten posts. If it gets any worse we’ll be visiting our neighbours. Mum doesn’t think it’s our fence so needs to talk about what has to be done. On the bright side, Mum thinks it will only take another hour or so of work now to finish the hedges, which is good news. They might even be able to do it today if the weather is good.



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