Special noises
Mum managed to capture the special noises that I only make to welcome Dad home. This is a very short video of my greeting to Dad on Saturday night when he eventually came in.
I don’t make those sounds at any other time. He says that I have done a wonderful job of making him feel special since we lost Shadow, just over a year ago. I do feel it’s an important part of my job as family therapy dog.
The greenhouse
You will be pleased to know that with almost no help from me, the greenhouse is now tidy. Mum said it didn’t turn out to be nearly as bad a job as she’d feared and Aristotle had kept things in good order. Mum swept up the soil that had come out of the compost bag and stacked all the plant pots neatly. Now we’re ready to start this year’s planting. It should be vegetables first, starting with parsnips. The only problem there is that we can’t get to the vegetable troughs because of the building work. Either they are in the wrong places or are still full of the plants we saved. Mum says we may have to plant late this year.
There was more blanket weed to get rid of too.
New drill
After the fiasco with the hand drill on Saturday Mum decided to treat herself to a new cordless drill. She doesn’t like using power tools connected to the mains because she doesn’t really trust herself. You wouldn’t think a human could get so excited about a new drill, but she can. It should arrive today and then we will be having another go at building the compost bin together while the weather is dry. I do like the fact that it’s light so much later. It means we have plenty of outdoor time after the builders have gone, which really helps.
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