My scan results
My scan results were a mixture of good news and bad news. I’ll start with the good news. There is no sign of anything sinister going on inside the bone. So no cancers or other horrors of that sort. There’s no rupture to my cruciate ligaments and no major changes in my knees. After that the good news becomes a little more vague.
I do have a little arthritis in my ankle joints but that is not what is causing the problem. There may be other soft tissue injury, but nothing was obvious. Then I get to the not so good news.
Disc degeneration
There is some degeneration of at least two of my discs in the lumbar region of my spine. That sent a shiver through Mum after what happened with Aristotle. There are treatments to help with the pain, some I’m on, some I need to consider. I could try acupuncture. One of the medications I could try is Gabapentin, but Mum refused that outright. She said after the awful experience when it was prescribed to Alfie, she will never give it to a dog again. So that’s out.
Instead I’m booked in to see a specialist next Wednesday. The particular place we’re going to isn’t far away and our vet says it is where she would go with a pet if she needed them to be referred. We trust our vet so that was good enough for us. What our vet did say is that although operating can be possible that is normally for one disc, as there are more involved she doesn’t know what they will say. At least I don’t have too long to wait to find out. One annoying thing is that I have to go without breakfast again in case they decide to operate on the day. Mum has promised to take food with us so that if they don’t keep me in I can have my breakfast without further delay.
So that’s the story so far. Oh and Mum has ordered a new ramp that will fold flat to go out of the way for me to have in the house. It’s so I can get onto the bed and settee without jumping. She can’t bear the thought of us not being able to snuggle up comfortably when we want to.
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