A better day at the vet
Yesterday I had a better day at the vet. For one thing, it was cloudy. That meant Mum could leave me in the car while she went to check us in. It had already been easier to park, so we hadn’t driven round in circles first. She said we’d be outside just before our appointment time, having checked that they were running on time. I had a little stop off for a pee-break between the car and the reception, more to mark my territory than because I needed to go. Then we sat on one of the outside benches in the drizzle.
Everywhere was much quieter than it had been on Wednesday and I was almost relaxed and just happy to be with Mum. One dog turned up, and I did tense at that point and had a bark, but there wasn’t the chance for me to really starting to wind myself up as the lovely physio I saw first time came out to call me.
Session 3 of laser therapy
I walked through the waiting room with on a couple of woofs, rather than real barking. There were a couple of dogs there, but not like it had been. It meant I didn’t need time to unwind when we went into the consulting room. I gave the physio a hug. For some reason I really like her. There aren’t many people I accept quite so readily and enthusiastically.
I’ve now got the hang of looking at mum for the eight minutes whilst my therapy is taking place. It is a bit weird sitting still for that long and I did need a bit of a break to stretch about half way through. With everything going so smoothly, I was back at the car in fifteen minutes and wondering what I could ever get so stressed about.
Meanwhile the building work
We are at the boiler being replaced stage. Yesterday morning when the boiler engineer said that we would be without heat and water from then until the middle of next week, you could see the steam coming off Mum. In the end Mum found a compromise. They are getting everything ready but won’t disconnect the old boiler until Monday. That was a much better decision. Mum is not good if she can’t have a shower in the morning! It’s not the smell I mind, she’s just not happy.
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