My play park
At last we’ve started designing my play park. I went outside with Mum and Dad yesterday to discuss where it will go. It didn’t take very long for us to agree on the location, but it became more complicated from there. Dad was thinking of an area only around 4 metres square. Mum and I were thinking of a much larger area. I pointed out that I need plenty of room to move around, especially if I’m being chased by a puppy. Dad conceded that perhaps we should look at the equipment I’m thinking of putting there and then review. I suspect he’s in for a surprise – I’ve found quite a few things I’d like.
Mum is up for making most of them, so they won’t be expensive, but we will need to get a few things.
What floor surface?
We then got on to the tricky question of floor surface. Dad suggested bark chippings. Mum said they would have to come from trees that were not poisonous to dogs and we couldn’t just buy any old chippings. Then we talked about gravel, but I had a tendency to try eating gravel when I was small and I wouldn’t want my puppy to do that. We can’t just leave it as grass if there are going to be lots of obstacles making it impossible to mow. Eventually we agreed to have a look at how much astroturf will cost – which would probably be a good solution if my pocket money will stretch that far.
Obedience and agility
I’m seeing it as essentially a play area, but Mum is thinking we will all be using it for training and some things will help with my physiotherapy. She talked about core strength and balance, but I’ve no idea what she was on about. When she showed me the picture, I just saw a box I could stand on.
At least we’ve started. I’ve said we could look at where my sister Tosca lives as they have some good ideas we could try too.
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