Entlebucher walk
Our next Entlebucher walk is in less than two weeks and I’m already getting excited. I’ve missed out on a few things in recent months because of my back problems and then my operation. I can’t wait to see some of my friends and have a lovely long walk together. We’re going to a place near Daventry that we’ve been to before and which is a lovely walk. It’s on lead for much of the time, but I can forgive that. To be honest, much as I’m looking forward to spending time with my friends I’m probably not up to much in the way of rough and tumble with any of them. Mum thinks I should be careful on that score and she’s probably right. I do tweak it every now and again which hurts.
Working hard in the garden
Mum and I spent hours working hard in the garden yesterday. She finished the front hedge and has done all the grass except the orchard. I supervised and munched my way through an apple of ten. I need to round Dad up to help me harvest the apples, but he worked hard indoors unpacking boxes and getting some of the house straight. I gave him lots of encouraging cuddles, but I’m much more an outdoor dog if I have the opportunity.
Mum is starting on the side hedge today – well, one of them. She’s asked me to help her take the bunting down in the outside bar for the winter too. We’re watching nighttime temperatures to make sure we bring the lemons in when it starts to get too cold for them to be outside. It really will be a garden room when they move in to join us. The olives will move to huddle together in the gazebo. They did really well there last year so we’re hoping they’ll like the move.
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