Autumn Days – Wednesday 23rd October 2024

Autumn days

Don’t you just love sunny autumn days? The ones where you can mooch about the garden, kicking your paws through the leaves. Then rest to eat an apple every so often. My walk was almost as good for leaf kicking and the smells were divine. I don’t know what it is about this time of year, but there really do seem to be more smells in the air. They are the sorts of smells that make me want to go chasing off after whichever animal left them. Mum said I was being a bit of a nuisance as I kept wanting to go in a different direction than the one she was going in. At least in the garden we don’t have that problem.

The beach hut

Mum’s pretend beach hut is coming on. She’s still busy painting it and it will take a few days, but she’s hoping to finish while the weather is good. I asked if she’d be serving ice creams from it, but it turns out that is not her plan. I think that’s a shame personally. To be fair, it will only be the outside which looks like a beach hut. The inside will store her tins of paints and other boring things. I was hoping that she was going to get really carried away and add a beach for me to play on, but that isn’t in the plan.

That’s given me a thought. I wonder if Mum would like to move the beach hut shed down to the side of the pond. Then if we added a beach as well it would be complete. I’m guessing she’s going to say no. I do think a sand pit in my play area would be good idea when Mum gets on to that project.




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