On my way
I’m on my way and I wasn’t left behind. Mum put me in the car after breakfast. As it was only 7.20 in the morning I thought I was going to be sitting there for ages. I should have known better, that only happens when Dad is coming too. Mum had everything loaded and the sat-nav programmed by 7.33am and we set off.
Being winter, the journey was fairly gloomy – drizzle, and a bit windy the whole way. Thankfully though, the traffic wasn’t too bad and so we made good progress. We’d arrived at the Channel Tunnel by 11am. That was when Mum went the wrong way. To be fair, they are doing lots of work there and the lanes have all changed. Mum found herself heading straight for the train when she’d checked in. She can’t do that until she’s taken me to the Pet Reception. Anyway, she did a U turn just before the passport check and we went round to the right place.
Quiet as a mouse
You aren’t going to believe this, but there were no dogs in the Pet Reception except me. There was absolutely no reason while we were in there for me to start barking my head off. I could see Mum thinking that she just wanted them to hurry up so we could get out again and they did. It was great. I might have barked at one or two workmen outside, but on balance Mum said that was forgivable.
After that we headed round to human passport for the second time. Mum was being really jolly and chatty with everyone. I think she was just trying to get through as easily as possible and it did seem to work. We didn’t have to go to the security lane, which was good as Mum didn’t want the pizza she’d brought for lunch to be confiscated. Then we were sent through the shortest passport lane and even the French border guy was friendly.
Light for our arrival
The whole smoothness of the trip meant we got to our overnight stop in the light. Mum had been a bit concerned about that as it’s down an unlit farm track. She had brought a torch, but knew walking me would be much easier in the light. We unpacked the car and then headed for a good stretch of our legs. That’s the first leg done. Now we just have to do the same sort of thing again today to get to Switzerland. At least today there is no Channel to cross, but there’s always more traffic on the road on a Friday, so Mum said it may be slower.
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