Wrong type of snow – Monday 6th January 2025

The wrong type of snow

Yesterday we woke up to the wrong type of snow. Even Pebbles was not that impressed. It was wet and slushy and just mixed in with the muddy garden. I started telling Pebbles about the real snow we get in Switzerland and how wonderful it is to run in and roll in. I don’t think Pebbles really believed me, but then this is all she’s seen. She did stand and turn her head to the sky with her mouth open catching flakes and Mum thought that was quite cute. What was funny was when she pushed her ball and it picked up snow as it rolled.

The buggy

With the weather as horrible as it was yesterday Mum didn’t take Pebbles out in the buggy. She did however put her inside and take her round the kitchen a couple of times. Mum kept giving her treats and telling her how good she was being. On that basis Pebbles is asking when she can go in it again. She is very food driven, and has already reached the point where she only has to hear Mum rustling her treat bag in order to sit quietly ready to be given a treat. She could be seriously annoying if she’s that well behaved as she gets older.

The builders are back

Today the builders are back. Mum says she has been assured this is a last push to get everything finished and they shouldn’t be on site too long. I think she may be reassuring herself as much as us. We’re back to a regimented start to the day, but how that will work with Pebbles who knows! They are going to be replacing our drive so it could all be a bit difficult for a few days at least.

Love and woofs


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