Dad’s in charge
Dad’s in charge until later today. He’s looking after all of us. Mum had to go into hospital for a minor operation yesterday and, as she had to have an anaesthetic isn’t really supposed to be doing too much until later. She’s also not supposed to be lifting anything heavy, so that’s Pebbles out! Mum left Dad with careful instructions for our care, so however much I told him we needed more food, he wasn’t fooled. It was only our lunch and tea yesterday that he had to do without guidance, so there wasn’t much room for us conning him. I’ve been taken off any extras until I can convince Mum that I’m completely ok – except for my favourite vanilla biscuits. I can still have one or two of those.
Back to the vet
I’m back to the vet this afternoon for my eyes. Mum is hoping to be able to take me, but Dad may have to come too. I’ve got my paws crossed that my tear rate has increased, but as I’m still having significant problems some of the time, I’m not convinced. I don’t know what happens next if this treatment isn’t working. Mum and I have at least got into a routine of applying the cream. It may become a long term thing and I guess I can live with that. At least now I don’t turn my head away when she’s doing it, the whole process doesn’t take so long.
Bitey face game
Pebbles and I have had a small thawing of relations. We even played the bitey face game through the bars of her pen. It was only for a few minutes before it got totally out of paw. Mum is hoping that once we start going for walks together we can have some relaxed time together afterwards to build up our relationship. Basically, Mum has told me that I have to do this and do it fast. She needs to get Pebbles used to going into kennels. We’ll be in together whether I like it or not. I’m sure we’ll get it sorted.
Love and woofs
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